reel credits

Working primarily in a broadcast station environment, I am asked to concept, design, 
build, and animate visual brands sometimes with as little direction as a title name and 
the statement "make it look cool". Occasionally there is actually time to collaborate with producers and other artists, but these times are rare. Most of the elements on my reel 
are conceived, designed and produced by myself utilizing different combinations of 
Photoshop, After Effects, Illustrator and Maya software. To save those from reading 
the same credits over and over again, I've credited the individuals that I've collaborated 
with or have supplied significant elements for those specific spots.

Dave Matthews Green Concert - logo and "leaf" elements provided

Movie House I Want Sandy - 3D city, marque, and street by Turner Studios

24 Hour Fitness - raw elements provided 

Braves Play Here film shoot - Producer Bryan Slonaker

Great Movie Giveaway - 3D city elements by Turner Studios

Buffy contest (vampire) - Producer David Colin

Movies With Bite Week - city environment by Turner Studios

Nightmare Before Christmas - footage provided

Home Depot Meeting - Producer, Art Director Greg Sullivan, Hartmann Studios

Thanksgiving ID - Co-Producer/Animator Jerrod Johnson